utskrivbar Schimincke Horadam Aquarell
894 Silver - Iriodin rutil silver
893 Gold - Iriodin goldpearl
930 Brilliant purple - PR81:2 Triarylcarbonium
940 Brilliant red violet - PV1 Triarylcarbonium
910 Brilliant blue violet - PV3 Triarylcarbonium
102 Chinese white - PW4 Zinc oxide
782 Neutral tint - PR122 Quinacridone magenta, PB60 Indanthrone blue, PBk7 Lamp black
101 Titanium opaque white - PW6 Titanium dioxide
783 Schmincke payne´s grey - PR101 Red iron oxide, PB29 Ultramarine blue, PBk7 Lamp black
787 Payne´s grey bluish - PBk6 Lamp black, PB15:6 Phthalocyanineblue, PB15:2 Phthalocyanineblue
785 Neutral grey - PR255 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol, PB60 Indanthrone blue, PO62 Benzimidazolon
786 Charcoal grey - PBk7 Lamp black
781 Lamp black - PBk6 Lamp black
780 Ivory black - PBk9 Carbonized bones of animals
206 Titanium yellow - PY53 Rutil-nickel-tin-titanium
215 Lemon yellow - PY3 Monoazoyellow
211 Chrome yellow lemon, no lead - PY175 Benzimidazolone
223 Cadmium yellow lemon - PY35 Cadmium-zincsulphide
207 Vanadium yellow - PY184 Bismutvanadat
224 Cadmium yellow light - PY35 Cadmium-zincsulphide
208 Aureolin modern - PY151 Benzimidazolone
216 Pure yellow - PY154 Benzimidazolone
209 Translucent yellow - PY150 Azo-nickel complex
210 Gamboge gum modern - PY150 Nickel complex, PY153, PY108 Anthrapyrimidin
212 Chrome yellow light, no lead - PY153 Metal complex, PY155 Disazopigment
225 Cadmium yellow middle - PY35 Cadmium-zincsulphide
220 Indian yellow - PY110 Isoindolinone, PY154 Benzimidazolone
226 Cadmium yellow deep - PY35 Cadmiumzinc-sulphide, PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
227 Cadmium orange light - PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
214 Chrome orange, no lead - PO62 Benzimidazolone
228 Cadmium orange deep - PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
218 Translucent orange - PO71 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol
361 Permanent red - PR242 Disazo condensation, PO62 Benzimidazolone
348 Cadmium red orange - PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
365 Vermilion - PR255 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol
360 Permanent red orange - PO62 Benzimidazolone, PR242 Disazo condensation
349 Cadmium red light - PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
347 Cadmium red middle - PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
363 Scarlet red - PR254 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol
366 Deep red - PR179 Perylen
350 Cadmium red deep - PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
345 Dark red - PR170 Naphtol AS
357 Alizarincrimson - PR83:1 Anthrachinone AI BONS
358 Madder lake deep - PR83:1 Anthrachinone AI BONS, PR177 Anthrachinone
354 Madder red dark - PV19 Quinacridone, PR179 Perylen
356 Rose madder - PR83:1 Anthrachinon AI BONS Mn, PR48:4 Anthrachinone AI BONS
351 Ruby red - PV19 Quinacridone red
353 Permanent carmine - PV19 Quinacridone red
352 Magenta - PV42 Quinacridone violet
367 Purple Magenta - PR122 Quinacridone magenta
368 Quinacridone violet - PV19 Quinacridone violet
474 Manganeseviolet - PV16 Mangan-Ammonium-Phosphat Manganeseammoniumphosphate
476 Mauve - PV23 Dioxazine
495 Ultramarine violet - PV15 Ultramarine violet, PB29 Ultramarine blue
482 Indanthrone blue - PB60 Indanthrone blue
498 Dark blue indigo - PB60 Indanthrone blue
485 Indigo - PB15:1 Phthalocyanine blue, PB66 Indigo synthetic
488 Cobalt blue deep - PB74 Cobalt-zincsiliciumoxide Spinel, PB28 Cobalt-aluminiumoxide
494 Ultramarine finest - PB29 Ultramarine blue
486 Cobalt blue tone - PW4 Zinc oxide, PB29 Ultramarine blue
487 Cobalt blue light - PB28 Cobalt-aluminiumoxide
496 Ultramarine blue - PB15 Phthalocyanine blue, PB29 Ultramarine blue
480 Mountain blue - PW5 Zinc sulphide/Barium sulfate, PB29 Ultramarine blue, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
478 Helio blue reddish - PB15:6 Phthalocyanine blue, PB15:2 Phthalocyanine blue
492 Prussian blue - PB27 Iron cyan blue
491 Paris blue - PB15 Phthalocyanine blue, PB15:1 Phthalocyanine blue, PB27 Iron cyan blue
484 Phthalo blue - PB15:1 Phthalocyanine blue
479 Helio cerulean - PB15:3 Phthalocyanine blue
481 Cerulean blue tone - PW4 Zinc oxide, PB15:3 Phthalocyanine blue
499 Cobalt cerulean - PB36 Cobalt pigment combination
475 Helio turquoise - PB16 Phthalocyanine blue
509 Cobalt turquoise - PG50 Cobalt-lithiumtitanium- zinc oxide
510 Cobalt green turquoise - PB36 Cobalt pigment combination
528 Prussian green - PG7 Phthalocyanine green, PB60 Indanthrone blue
519 Phthalo green - PG7 Phthalocyanine green
511 Chromium oxide green brilliant - PG18 Hydrat chromium oxide, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
514 Helio green - PG36 Bromide Phthalocyanine green
530 Sap green - PY153 Metal complex, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
526 Permanent green - PY155 Disazopigment, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
524 May green - PY151 Benzimidazolone, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
521 Hooker´s green - PB15:3 Phthalocyanine, PG7 Phthalocyanine green, PY42 Hydrated iron oxide
533 Cobalt green dark - PG26 Cobalt-chromiumoxide- spinel
534 Permanent green olive - PO62 Benzimidazolone, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
515 Olive green - PB15 Phthalocyanine blue, PG8 Metal complex
535 Cobalt green pure - PG19 Cobalt-titanium-nickelzincoxide
512 Chromium oxide green - PG17 Chromium oxide green
516 Green Earth - PBr7 Earth pigment, PG7 Phthalocyanine green
525 Olive green yellowish - PO62 Benzimidazolone, PG36 Phthalocyanine green
536 Green yellow - PY150 Azo-nickel complex, PBk7 Lamp black
221 Jaune brilliant dark - PW6 Titanium dioxide, PY53 Rutilnickeltintitanium, PBr24 Chromiumantimonytitanium-yellow
229 Naples yellow - PW6 Titanium dioxide, PY53 Rutilnickeltintitanium, PBr24 Chromiumantimonytitanium-yellow
656 Yellow raw ochre - PY42 Hydrated iron oxide, PY43 Earth pigment
667 Raw umber - PBr7 Earth pigment
655 Yellow ochre - PY42 Hydrated iron oxide
659 Titanum gold ochre - PBr24 Chromium-antimonytitanium- yellow
660 Raw Sienna - PBr 7/ PY 43 Earth pigment
230 Naples yellow reddish - PW6 Titaniumdioxide, PW4 Zincoxide, PR242 Azocondensation, PY42 Hydrated iron oxide
654 Gold brown - PY65 Monoazoyellow, PBr41 Azocondensation
661 Burnt Sienna - PR101 Red iron oxide, PBk9 Carb. bones of anim.
648 Translucent brown - PBr41 Azocondensation
670 Madder brown - PR206 Quinacridone
649 English Venetian red - PR101 Red iron oxide
666 Pozzuoli earth - PR101 Red iron oxide, PR206 Quinacridone
645 Caput mortuum Indian red - PR101 Red iron oxide, PR206 Quinacridone
669 Vandyke brown - PY153 Metal complex, PBr7 Earth pigment, PBk7 Lamp black
668 Burnt umber - PBr7 Earth pigment
663 Sepia brown - PB15:1 Phthalocyanine blue, PBr7 Earth pigment, PBk9 Carb. bones of anim.
662 Sepia brown tone - PR166 Disazocondensation, PBr7 Earth pigment, PBk9 Carb. bones of anim.
652 Walnut brown - PBr33 Zinc-iron-chromiumspinel
894 Silver - Iriodin rutil silver
893 Gold - Iriodin goldpearl
930 Brilliant purple - PR81:2 Triarylcarbonium
940 Brilliant red violet - PV1 Triarylcarbonium
910 Brilliant blue violet - PV3 Triarylcarbonium
102 Chinese white - PW4 Zinc oxide
101 Titanium opaque white - PW6 Titanium dioxide
786 Charcoal grey - PBk7 Lamp black
781 Lamp black - PBk6 Lamp black
780 Ivory black - PBk9 Carbonized bones of animals
206 Titanium yellow - PY53 Rutil-nickel-tin-titanium
215 Lemon yellow - PY3 Monoazoyellow
211 Chrome yellow lemon, no lead - PY175 Benzimidazolone
223 Cadmium yellow lemon - PY35 Cadmium-zincsulphide
207 Vanadium yellow - PY184 Bismutvanadat
224 Cadmium yellow light - PY35 Cadmium-zincsulphide
208 Aureolin modern - PY151 Benzimidazolone
216 Pure yellow - PY154 Benzimidazolone
209 Translucent yellow - PY150 Azo-nickel complex
225 Cadmium yellow middle - PY35 Cadmium-zincsulphide
227 Cadmium orange light - PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
214 Chrome orange, no lead - PO62 Benzimidazolone
228 Cadmium orange deep - PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
218 Translucent orange - PO71 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol
348 Cadmium red orange - PO20 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
365 Vermilion - PR255 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol
349 Cadmium red light - PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
347 Cadmium red middle - PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
363 Scarlet red - PR254 Diketo-Pyrrolo-Pyrrol
366 Deep red - PR179 Perylen
350 Cadmium red deep - PR108 Cadmiumsulphoselenide
345 Dark red - PR170 Naphtol AS
357 Alizarincrimson - PR83:1 Anthrachinone AI BONS
351 Ruby red - PV19 Quinacridone red
353 Permanent carmine - PV19 Quinacridone red
352 Magenta - PV42 Quinacridone violet
367 Purple Magenta - PR122 Quinacridone magenta
368 Quinacridone violet - PV19 Quinacridone violet
474 Manganeseviolet - PV16 Mangan-Ammonium-Phosphat Manganeseammoniumphosphate
476 Mauve - PV23 Dioxazine
482 Indanthrone blue - PB60 Indanthrone blue
498 Dark blue indigo - PB60 Indanthrone blue
494 Ultramarine finest - PB29 Ultramarine blue
487 Cobalt blue light - PB28 Cobalt-aluminiumoxide
492 Prussian blue - PB27 Iron cyan blue
484 Phthalo blue - PB15:1 Phthalocyanine blue
479 Helio cerulean - PB15:3 Phthalocyanine blue
499 Cobalt cerulean - PB36 Cobalt pigment combination
475 Helio turquoise - PB16 Phthalocyanine blue
509 Cobalt turquoise - PG50 Cobalt-lithiumtitanium- zinc oxide
510 Cobalt green turquoise - PB36 Cobalt pigment combination
519 Phthalo green - PG7 Phthalocyanine green
514 Helio green - PG36 Bromide Phthalocyanine green
533 Cobalt green dark - PG26 Cobalt-chromiumoxide- spinel
535 Cobalt green pure - PG19 Cobalt-titanium-nickelzincoxide
512 Chromium oxide green - PG17 Chromium oxide green
667 Raw umber - PBr7 Earth pigment
655 Yellow ochre - PY42 Hydrated iron oxide
659 Titanum gold ochre - PBr24 Chromium-antimonytitanium- yellow
648 Translucent brown - PBr41 Azocondensation
670 Madder brown - PR206 Quinacridone
649 English Venetian red - PR101 Red iron oxide
668 Burnt umber - PBr7 Earth pigment
652 Walnut brown - PBr33 Zinc-iron-chromiumspinel
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